Junior High Newspaper Club donates to food pantry

The Newspaper Club at Wells Junior High School recently donated $225 to the community food pantry at St. Mary’s Church.

The money was raised by club members selling flowers to other students and staff for Valentine’s Day.

According to food pantry director Elinor Grover, the students’ gift will provide extra items that the pantry purchases, such as laundry and dish detergent, ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise.

The pantry has been in existence for over 20 years and is open to anyone in the community at large (parishioner of St. Mary’s or non-parishioner) every Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m.


Those who are in need of food are welcome to visit the pantry a first time without any application. However, those who wish to return must first visit the Wells Town Hall to meet with the general assistance representative to prove income eligibility.

St. Mary’s Church is located at 236 Eldridge Road.

For more details, call 646-5605.


‘Civil War’ grants awarded to towns to support history

The Maine Humanities Council and Maine Historical Society recently awarded “Local and Legendary: Maine in the Civil War” grants to the towns of Bethel, Livermore-Livermore Falls, Jay, Pittsfield, Rumford and Scarborough to support local history and humanities programs detailing the Civil War.

Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the grants will allow local organizations, such as historical societies, libraries and schools – to develop skills, build capacity, expand collaboration with local partners and use their community as a laboratory to explore connections between Maine’s Civil War story and national themes and experiences.

The communities each will receive $2,000 and in-kind assistance from the Maine Historical Society and Maine Humanities Council to develop three projects: a digital history exhibit on Maine Memory Network (www.mainememory.net), accessible to an extensive audience of researchers, teachers, students, historians, and members of the general public in Maine and beyond; a community-wide “One Book, One Community” reading and discussion program, which will engage a diverse range of participants such as students, working adults, immigrants, veterans and the general public; and a performance based on local Civil War history, in partnership with theater professional David Greenham.

For more details, call Anne Schlitt at 773-5051 or Larissa Vigue Picard at 774-1822.