These days one might feel like we are living in some post-World War II dystopian novel. (Example: In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, people employed by the fire department are not selfless public servants who extinguish destructive blazes. Instead, “firemen” are deployed by the state to go around burning any books they can find.)
In a move reminiscent of that ironic model, The EPA (The Environmental “Protection” Agency) has recently announced the final dismantling of the former administration’s “Clean Power Plan” – in order to prop up the declining coal industry.  This, at a time when moving away from fossil fuels as energy sources as quickly as possible is what is needed to stave off the worst effects of Climate Change.
Since there is obviously no leadership from the White House on this issue, it is critical that Congress take the lead in pushing for effective solutions. And to effect real and lasting interventions for this crisis, this initiative must be a bipartisan effort. 
Thankfully, there is a positive development regarding this. It is the Climate Solutions Caucus – which is a group of Republican and Democratic members of the House of Representatives who have volunteered to meet regularly and work together on solutions relating to Climate Change.
Hopefully, this Caucus will prove to the rest of Congress and to the country at large that Republicans and Democrats CAN work together effectively to solve problems that are of fundamental importance to the American people – and to the world. Kudos to Representative Chellie Pingree for supporting this effort.
Tom Berry

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