I’ve been an elected official in Portland for three years and now serve as the chair of the school board. I’ve never before endorsed a candidate for public office. But so much is on the line in the mayoral election that I had to speak out.

I’ve endorsed Mayor Ethan Strimling for re-election.

When Mayor Strimling ran in 2015, he said he wanted Portland to have the best schools in the state. He understands that schools are the heart of any community. He knows investing in your schools is investing in the future of this city. He shares my sense of urgency to address the opportunity gaps many of our students face. And he understands this work needs to be addressed by the school board and the city council.

I believe a vote for Mayor Strimling puts us on the path to have the best schools in the state.

Roberto Rodriguez

Chair and at-large representative

Portland School Board

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