Re: Los Angeles Times editorial writer Mariel Garza’s column, “Warren’s pregnancy discrimination story isn’t hard to believe” (Oct. 12, Page A7):

It was January 1967. I was teaching high school math in Michigan, and my first baby was due in June.

I told the superintendent that I would not be returning the next school year because I decided to stay home with the baby. I thought he’d like a head start on finding a replacement. He said, “You have to leave now.” I replied, “Why?” He said, “Because soon you’ll be showing and then the students will know what you’ve been doing.”

Really? I had been married for 6½ years and was a high school teacher! What did I do? What could I do? No law protected me. (It took 11 more years for such a law to be passed.) I left.

Why write this now? I am a strong supporter of Elizabeth Warren. Not because we share this background but because I support her policies and think she’ll make a great president.

Was she fired or did she leave voluntarily under similar conditions? Was I? It doesn’t really matter. We and many other female teachers experienced discrimination as pregnant women. That’s a fact. And our financial picture now is affected by that lack of income and Social Security input.

Warren made her way in the world with help, when she needed it, despite circumstances. Now she wants to see that others get that same hands-up, and she has the smarts to pull it off. She has my vote.

Delene Perley


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