I don’t blame teenagers across the country being concerned about their lives as a result of climate change (“Most American teens are frightened by climate change, poll shows,” Sept. 16). I worry for all of us as well. We are all in trouble if the climate crisis is not brought under control immediately, requiring emergency actions.

There are several drastic actions that each of us can take that is independent of government activities or corporate steps.

We can each severely reduce our traveling – a step that is not very significant for teens, but more so for their parents and grandparents, who might take them on distant vacations or visit cross country several times each year. We can all reduce our vacation trips. Not easy, but we are in an emergency situation.

We can also only buy stuff that we absolutely need. Everything that we purchase requires the burning of fossil fuel. Most of us can manage on things we already have.

We must reduce our consumption of animal foods, which require enormous amounts of energy to bring to tables and are responsible for the release of vast amounts of carbon dioxide and methane.

There are other significant actions that we can take once we put our minds to it, but these are the most important ones for teenagers and adults across the country and around the world.

Len Frenkel

South Portland

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