I write to say I am proud of our Congresswoman Chellie Pingree for standing up against the efforts of Israel’s lobby to tamp down free speech in America that criticizes Israel. H.R. 246 pretends to be supporting our right to criticize the policies of foreign governments, but at the same time uses the full weight of the Congress (with the exception of 17 courageous representatives) to condemn the kind of political speech it doesn’t like –that is, support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS)
BDS is not trying to destroy Israel; it is a nonviolent action seeking only to get Israel to stop its human rights abuses and violations of international law with its ever-expanding settlements on Palestinian land, its home demolitions, and its indiscriminate attacks on Palestinian civilians, especially in Gaza.
I am grateful we have a congresswoman, like Chellie, who can see a threat to the First Amendment when our Israel-dominated Congress poses such a threat.
Margaret Burt Kuhlen
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