In June, at the Pownal annual town meeting, a vote was taken to distance the town from Central Maine Power and its corridor project. The Natural Resources Council of Maine actively worked to win that vote.

NRCM is one “voice” opposed to the project. There is another voice, which is the “No CMP Corridor” signs that decorate our roads. Ironically, most people who post these signs have no knowledge of who is behind the signs.

Unlike NRCM, whose name is attached to their efforts, the “No CMP Corridor” advocates prefer anonymity. Why do they insist on not letting us know who they are and what are their motives, individually and collectively? Why might they have only a post office box address and no phone numbers, email address, Facebook site, no “contact us” button? And why aren’t we seeking the truth behind their motives?

Could they be fossil fuel providers whose growth depends on more energy consumed? Those sources of energy that are major contributors to climate change and carbon build up.

Is their “dark money” indirectly joining forces with the NRCM campaign and all the people who place their “No CMP Corridor” signs in their yards?

A seeming contradiction is that NRCM, which supported passing out these signs at events, apparently is benefiting from the dark money, the climate change deniers and mysterious forces behind the curtain. If not, then why are they not calling out the “No CMP Corridor” promoters, supporting the distribution of their signs and T-shirts and not explicitly demanding what their agenda is?


We know that CMP wants to grow its business while supplying hydro-generated electricity through the corridor. Why do we not know who the Stop the Corridor promoters are and what is their real goal?

As a Pownal resident, this inquiring mind wants to know.

David Hyde


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