As an immigrant leader in the Congolese community in Portland, I am writing to express my disappointment with city councilors at the meeting on July 23, where they talked about housing for asylum seekers. What was reported in this paper is not what happened.

Councilors should be ashamed to have used the asylum seekers as a campaign weapon against Mayor Ethan Strimling.

Mayor Strimling is the only elected official who has visited these families almost every day to listen to their concerns.

In addition, when Councilor Ali asked immigrant leaders at the meeting to speak in order to clarify what is happening with the families and their housing, we were immediately silenced by Councilor Belinda Ray. This paper did not even bother to print that fact.

Mayor Ethan Strimling deserves an apology from the councilors and from this newspaper. We should all endeavor to do better next time.

Patrick Abedi


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