America has sunk to a new low. As stained as our country’s history is, I didn’t think we could become the kind of people who would allow our government to imprison, abuse and neglect hundreds of children and infants. But that is apparently what is going on at our southern border.

Children are being imprisoned and denied adequate food, shelter and sanitation in conditions comparable to concentration camps. And what is even more unbelievable, donations from compassionate citizens, which could help ease the suffering of the children, are being turned away. What kind of monsters would do something like this?

People in our government seem hell-bent on destroying every last shred of America’s image of itself as a compassionate country. I am ashamed to call myself an American citizen.

What is being done to those innocent children at the hands of the current administration is a humanitarian disaster. This is no time for debate or political posturing. The suffering of those children has got to stop immediately. Each and every one of our elected officials must act to end this outrage today, or they have no right to hold office in our government.

Gail Cettei


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