“People only see what they are prepared to see.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Various opponents who share something in common have all called Colorado a disaster area because of its Taxpayer Bill of Rights.

What do these groups – including the Maine Municipal Association, teachers’ unions, state and municipal workers’ unions and even the AARP – have in common? They all want unlimited access to your bank account. Even our state, county and local governments are will join in the fight. What could they possibly fear?

Their fear is that the taxpayer will finally be in charge of taxes. Can you imagine that? Our very own government and quasi-governmental organizations fear we will take control of their spending. The amazing fact is that they will use our tax dollars to fight against anything that takes control of taxes away from them. One supporter has come up with new names such as the More Money Always for the MMA and American Association Removing People (from their homes) for AARP.

The enemies of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights go so far as to say that budgets will be slashed, TABOR’s limits are irrational and destroy local control. These statements are just lip service from people who can’t fathom that you, the taxpayer, can take control of government spending.

The Taxpayer Bill of Rights is disaster relief from years of uncontrolled spending in Maine. The MMA will claim that the controls under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights are irrational. Under its guidelines Windham’s budget could have increased significantly more this year.


One lie put forth by the MMA is that the Maine Legislature’s ability to implement tax reform and tax relief will be undermined by the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. It does nothing to hamper our legislators from enacting various forms of tax relief or reform.

The MMA has another lie that even the smallest budget changes proposed could be required to pass Town Meeting with a two-thirds majority. When citizens vote to override a spending cap, a simply majority vote is needed.

Now for some facts on Colorado although I have stated previously I do not like to spit out enormous amounts of figures. Maine is No. 49 on the Small Business Survival Index. Colorado is listed as No. 10.

For state and local tax burden as percent of income (2005) Maine ranks No. 1 while Colorado ranks 38th. Colorado spends about 7.7 percent of lottery income for administration while Maine spends 15.7 percent.

As for the Economic Freedom Index (level of state restrictions on economic freedom) Colorado ranks ninth while Maine ranks 48th (No. 1 rank mean more economic freedom). It is easy to go on and on with figures like these. Maine needs disaster relief.

If the Taxpayer Bill of Rights was so horrible for the state of Colorado, here are some figures from Colorado’s Office of Economic Development and International Trade. For per capita income the ranking is 7th. For low number of business closings the ranking is first. For number of new companies the ranking is fifth. Colorado is fourth for the most preferred state to live in.

Maybe it is time that we take tax dollars away from such places as the MMA or anyone that uses tax dollars to lobby for more of our taxes. Perhaps it is time to petition our local governments that no tax dollars be used for lobbyists.

What Maine needs now is disaster relief. That relief comes in the form of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights because it makes it tough to raise your taxes, forces government to save for a rainy day and returns all the money above the limit back to you.

Go to www.taxpayerbillofrights.com for more information.