The following is the text of a March 6 memo from City Administrator Jerre Bryant to Fire Inspector Lt. Chuck Jarrett.

The Administration has conducted a thorough investigation of the events and circumstances related to your removal of a loaded weapon from a Westbrook Police vehicle on January 18, 2006. It does not appear that the facts of these events are in dispute. In response to an unlocked police cruiser being parked in front of your fire inspection vehicle in one of the fire apparatus bays of the Public Safety Building, you entered the police cruiser and, without permission or authorization, unlocked, removed and unloaded a shotgun that had been secured in that vehicle, leaving the weapon and ammunition in or on the police vehicle.

While it is your assertion that your actions were intended to address what you considered a dangerous situation (a loaded weapon left in an unlocked police cruiser), your methods and actions in this regard were both inappropriate and unauthorized, and arguably put the public and your co-workers at even greater risk. Both the situation and the policies which enabled it to happen should have been more appropriately addressed through your immediate contact with your command staff in the Fire Department, who could have worked with the supervisory/management staff of the Police Department to address the matter. Corrective action and policy revisions have now been implemented and continue under review.

As a result of your inappropriate and unauthorized conduct in the workplace on January 18, 2006, you are being given this written reprimand. Regardless of your motivation, your conduct is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Any further actions of this nature will result in further disciplinary action.

Chuck, you are a quality, dedicated employee of the Westbrook Fire Department. Your efforts and achievements as the city’s Fire Inspector are exemplary. However, this serious lapse of judgment raises concerns over your ability to continue to perform effectively in that role. Your continued performance of your duties will be closely supervised and we are fully confident that this unfortunate event was a one-time aberration and will not compromise your future conduct as an employee and agent of the city and the Fire Rescue Department.