Sen. Bill Diamond (D-Cumberland County) and Rep. Gary Plummer (R-Windham) met with Corrinna Swanson, a fourth grader from Windham, last week to present her with an award for winning a contest sponsored by Gov. John Baldacci and Efficiency Maine of the Maine Public Utilities Commission. Students were encouraged to suggest energy saving tips.

Diamond accompanied Miss Swanson, her family and her teacher from Manchester School to a meeting in the Governor’s office. There, Swanson received an award for her winning suggestion, “More kids should bike or walk to school,” and was congratulated by the governor and the Director of Energy Independence, Beth Nagusky.

“Corrinna has a lot to be proud of. She has shown real leadership in making this suggestion that empowers Maine’s young people to act as role models in saving energy as well as improving their health,” Diamond said. “This young lady’s commitment to saving energy is a reminder to us all that efficiency starts with every one of us making small changes that in the long run will benefit all of Maine.”