A second meeting discussing the conversion of the Lighthouse Inn into condominiums is scheduled for Monday, June 27, at 7 p.m. at the Pine Point Fire Station.

The project architects, Port City Architecture, held a similar community meeting on June 1. Those who attended expressed a number of concerns about the project including driveways and road relocations.

Using these comments as a guide, Port City Architecture has developed some new draft plans that will be discussed at the meeting.

Lighthouse Inn owners Peter and Nicholas Truman have proposed converting the hotel into six condominium units, but the plans have been met with resistance from neighbors for several different reasons, including concerns about building height and traffic.

The Trumans are seeking several variances from the Scarborough Zoning Board of Appeals in order for the project to move forward. The issue has been tabled until the developers can reach a consensus with neighbors.

The meeting is open to all Scarborough residents.