A blood drive sponsored by the Bridgton Lion’s Club on Tuesday, Dec. 26, from 2 – 7 p.m. at the Masonic Hall on Route 117 is dedicated to Bridgton resident Frederick Potter, who suffers from leukemia.

Cancer patients are the leading recipients of blood in the United States.Donated blood helps leukemia patients, like Potter, who need transfusions as a result of chemotherapy. As a special way of caring, blood donors can dedicate their donation to him. Cards will be available for donors to sign that will be forwarded to him.

Potter is a life-long resident of Bridgton and a life-long blood donor. Fred’s daughter Kathleen recalled that in her father’s early blood donation days, “if Bridgton Hospital needed dad’s blood type, they’d call and he would leave the house immediately to give blood to whoever needed it. There were nights that he left the dinner table in the middle of a meal.”

Potter said her father has been in intensive care, and in the hospital daily receiving two pints of blood and platelets. “Dad was always a giver of blood; we never thought he’d need it himself. He’s not in remission now. My dad is fighting for his life. Dad was always there for others, now others are there for him,” said Potter.

Potential donors must be at least 17 years old, weigh 110 pounds or more and be in good health. There is no upper age limit and most medications and medical conditions do not prohibit someone from donating blood through the Red Cross.

For more information, call the Red Cross at (800) GIVE-LIFE or visit online at www.newenglandblood.org.