No doubt, Portland’s fishing industry is appreciative of this newspaper’s supportive editorial of June 13 (“Our View: Waterfront zone change deserves City Council support”), including its admonition that it is better to take the means necessary to prevent a problem than to deal with the repercussions that occur from inattention. (Are they listening?)

Clearly, Portland voters are protective of Maine’s prime industry on their working waterfront. Then would it not be very appropriate that anyone aspiring to serve on the city’s Planning Board would have a wise appreciation for the necessary requisites supportive of a most important prime industry – fishing – on Portland’s working waterfront? I’m referring to unthreatened, required space and subdued, “take another route” traffic.

With an ever-supportive and appreciative Planning Board, the important work of fishing on the working waterfront will be properly cocooned from harm, admired and appreciated as it deserves always to be.

Loretta MacKinnon


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