Windham police last week notified neighbors about a registered sex offender who recently moved back to his home after posting bail on child pornography charges.

John Corbin, a resident of 5 Drako Lane off Pope Road, is charged with possessing and disseminating pornographic images of children, posted $200,000 cash bail March 17 and is considered a flight risk by Windham police.

“We’re considering Mr. Corbin a high flight risk, and if he violates any part of his bail conditions he can be put back in jail,” said Sgt. Ronald Ramsdell.

Corbin is not to leave Cumberland County without giving prior notice to police. Since his alleged acts stem from emailing pornographic images of children to an undercover police officer, Corbin is not allowed to own or use a computer. Police can randomly search his residence, and he can have no contact with anyone under the age of 18.

Corbin, who would not comment on his case, moved to Windham on March 15, 2002. He is a registered Maine sex offender for three prior convictions in California including “lewd and lascivious acts upon a child under 14 years of age” as well as indecent exposure.

As is customary for all sex offenders who relocate to an area, Windham police were out canvassing the neighborhood on March 18 and 19 notifying residents of Corbin’s return.


“People like to know if they have a sex offender living next door,” Ramsdell said. “We mailed out a notification when he moved to town and we went door-to-door this time because of his history and the nature of his crimes.”

Corbin’s neighborhood – Pope Road, Albion Road and Drako Lane – has multiple homes with young children. When interviewed, none of the families wished to be identified but wanted to comment on how they fear for their children’s safety.

“It’s creepy,” said a mother of two young children. “I’m just not comfortable with him living this close to us but what are you going to do? It’s my job to keep my children safe and I’ll do the best I can.”

Another mother said she used to let her youngest child play outside by himself but will stop that practice now that she knows a registered sex offender lives nearby.

“My husband and I have four boys, two still live at home,” she said. “We have agreed that the youngest wouldn’t go unsupervised outdoors anymore. We’re just not comfortable with that.”

The woman added that she used to leave her doors unlocked but “not anymore.”


An Albion Road family said they received no notification that Corbin was in the neighborhood and they wish Windham police would have notified their road’s residents.

“No one ever notified us, not now, not before. We heard from word of mouth, from friends we have on Pope Road,” the mother of a 16 and 7-year-old said. “We have two kids; our oldest runs down that road, but we require her to either run with a friend or in a group, never alone. It’s pathetic though. It’s really very sad when you think about it. You shouldn’t have to live in fear.”

Another resident who has done favors like plowing and moving a water heater for Corbin, said of his neighbor, “I guess he’s made a few mistakes in life and now maybe he’s made some more.” The neighbor said Corbin had been a “good neighbor” and that he was surprised by the recent charges.

Another house with four children living at home is located close to Corbin’s house. The father said he brings his children inside if he sees Corbin passing by.

“He mostly sticks to himself, but I will go inside and make my children come inside if he comes walking down the road. We don’t want any contact with someone like that,” the man said. “We feel it’s better that way.”

According to Cumberland County Superior Court, Corbin is awaiting a jury trial but no date has been set yet.