Blais graduates cum laude

Adam M. Blais recently graduated cum laude from the University of Maryland-Baltimore County with a degree in biological sciences.

He is the son of Marc and Kimberly Blais of Westbrook.

A graduate of Westbrook High School in 2002, Blais has been accepted to the University of Connecticut school of dental medicine.

Blais has been awarded the Maryland Association of College Directors of Athletics post-graduate scholarship. He attended UMBC on a swimming scholarship and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.

He was a member of the UMBC men’s swimming and diving team for four years. During his time at the school, the team captured three straight America East Conference titles. Blais was team co-captain twice.


As a student, Blais was a member of the America East Winter All-Academic Squad in 2006 and twice was on the America East Honor Roll, including once on the commissioner’s honor roll. He was named two times to the dean’s list and was inducted into the National College Athlete Honors Society.

Love, Inc. reunites

The four original members of Love, Inc. reunited for the first time in over 35 years on Sunday, July 9, for a special invitation-only performance before family and friends in Portland.

Band member Marc Mailhot of Westbrook said Love, Inc. was the most popular and successful band in Maine from 1968 through their breakup in 1971. He said in April 1970, the group became the first group in Maine to ever record an album and the first group to release three charting singles.

The reunion was the brainchild of Bill Gouzie, who now lives in Reno, Nev., and was home visiting his family in Westbrook. The four members are: Mike Gouzie, lead guitar; Mark Swett, rhythm guitar and vocals; Bill Gouzie, bass guitar, vocals and Mailhot, drums and vocals. Their longtime friend and fellow musician, Peter Albert, joined them.

The performance included three of their original songs, including “Loving You”, written by Bill and Mark Gouzie; the B-side of their second single “Jennifer” released in September 1970, “She Don’t Care About Me”, their first and most successful which reached the Maine top 10 in August 1969 and the first song written for the band, “Leave Me Alone In The Morning,” a Mark Swett original composed in July 1968.


The performance was truly remarkable as the group did not rehearse for it, and played each song just about perfectly from memory, according to Mailhot.

“You can go home again…you can turn the clock back and it was great. Maybe there’s more to come,” said Swett, who co-founded the band with Mailhot.

Mailhot said it was great being with the rest of the group again. “We played some really great music, including playing our own songs again. It was a blast,” Mailhot said.

The four are considering a more serious project for next summer.

For a complete history of the band, including additional reunion pictures, visit, or

Macisso on dean’s list


Nicole A. Macisso has been named to the dean’s list for the spring term at Curry College in Milton, Mass.

Pratt excels in academics

Michael W. Pratt has been named to the dean’s list at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., for the spring semester.

Pratt is a sophomore.

Camp elected MADA director

Wallace E. Camp Jr. of Rowe Ford Hyundai in Westbrook, was recently elected to the board of directors of the Maine Automobile Dealers Association at its 62nd annual meeting in Bar Harbor.


The association is comprised of 140 franchised new car and truck dealers in Maine.

Emery graduates Naval Academy

Ensign Lewis R. Emery graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., on May 26 and commissioned as an officer.

Emery is the son of Lew and Stephanie Emery.

A graduate of Westbrook High School in 2002, Emery graduated with a bachelor’s degree in systems engineering.

Emery was a member of the combat arms team. He was honored with the Secretary of the Navy Weapons Award for the best pistol shot in the brigade. He was also a member of the midshipman action group, which is a community service organization.

He has been assigned to Special Warfare Command in Coronado, Calif., where he’ll begin training in the Navy SEAL program.

Cutline (1906) Cutline (1968) Cutline (2006)

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