Thank you for hearing our comments on the matter of the Middle School. I also want to say thank you to Ted Sharp for working with Dennis and helping try to find solutions to problems that have come up instead of standing by quietly and allowing us to lose him.

I have a vested interest in the Middle School as I have already had one child pass thru, one currently attending and more to come thru.

My feelings on the changes that have been made since Dennis has come to Gorham are strong as my first daughter started middle school before Dennis and had a very hard year. She struggled with teacher issues and felt she had no one to turn to, except at home. She would come home from school, quite often, not wanting to return and asking to be home schooled. That kind of attitude was new to her and disappointed us greatly. I felt that she wasted that year, in some respects, because she felt so isolated. Since Dennis took over, the whole attitude of the school has changed. My daughter finished at the middle school loving school again. I attribute her re-found attitude to the changes that Dennis brought with him. The overall feeling in the school is upbeat. The secretaries are happy and are very receptive to parents and kids coming in the office.

My son, who is now attending, loves going to school. Now that it is baseball season, it is an added bonus that he gets to rib Mr. Duquette about the Yankees. Mr. Duquette encouraged him to try cross-country running last fall. But not only did he encourage kids who already might be jocks to try it out but I also saw many kids running who did not fit that stereotype! I was delighted to see him at the meets and encouraging each member of the team as if they were in first.

When I have stopped by the school to pick up my son after an activity and see Dennis, I have often tried to talk with him, which turns out to be quite an event, we are usually interrupted by kids walking by wanting his attention, and of course, he cannot refuse a quick gesture and comment.

Now I realize that my perspective and comments might sound simple-minded. But in sending my kids to school, I hope that they not only receive an academic knowledge but also a social knowledge. I have one shot at this parent thing. And I need the village to help expose my kids to positive attitudes and kindness and then let them go in this world. Middle school is a tough time for kids with social dynamics and perspectives changing. I wouldn’t want to go back. But I believe that if we continue at the pace that Dennis has set, we will have the best middle school in the state.


The support systems that are now in place for our kids are addressing many issues, both academic and social, that cannot be met in class. They have people who are there for them and care about what happens to them.

I feel that with the support of parents, teachers, administrators, and school board that our middle school will not only thrive but also bring forth kids with their best foot forward.

Please consider the kids in your endeavor to keep improving our school and help the positive changes that have already been made and those that will be made.

Thank you.

Donna Foster
