Dear Little Sebago Lake residents,

In an effort to continue its lake protection efforts, the Little Sebago Lake Association is starting a Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) in the summer of 2006. The YCC will provide free labor to residents, road associations and towns to install conservation practices that reduce soil erosion (for more details about the program, contact Jami Fitch at the Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District 856-2777,

In order to get the YCC up and running, there are a few things we need, and we’re hoping the generous residents of Little Sebago Lake will be able to help us. Below is our “wish list.” If you are able to donate any of the items, please contact Jami Fitch by calling 856-2777 or emailing Remember, because the Lake Association is a nonprofit, your donations are tax deductible!

Little Sebago Lake YCC wish list:

• Trailer & hitch (donate for use July through August or permanently)

• Use of pick-up truck (July-August)


• Printing of program materials

• T-shirts and screen printing for crew shirts

• 2 Cell phones and service (June-August)

• Conservation grass seed mix (75 lb. bag)

• Hay mulch

• Geotextile fabric & staples


• Soil amenities (compost, peat moss, etc.)

• 6″ stone riprap

• Crushed stone

• First-aid kit

• 6 shovels (preferably with fiberglass handles)

• 2 rock rakes


• 2 leaf rakes

• 1 pry bar

• 2 rubber mallets

• 2 hammers

• 2 wheel barrows (preferably with “never-flat” tires)

• Toolbox

Thank you for your help!

Yours in conservation,

The Little Sebago Lake YCC Committee