City Council President Jim Violette will be squaring off against incumbent Mayor Bruce Chuluda this November, after Violette fended off a challenge for the nomination at the Democratic caucus Sunday night.

Former Deputy Fire Chief Jim Fahey Sr. challenged Violette at the caucus, held in the Westbrook High School cafeteria. Violette won the nomination by a 91-35 vote.

Addressing the caucus, Violette said he hoped to carry on in the tradition of previous Democratic Mayors Ken Lefebvre and Don Esty and promote growth in the city. “I can only promise you that I will work hard and have Westbrook on the fast track to growth and development,” he said.

Addressing the caucus, Fahey said he wanted to run for mayor in part because he was concerned over the way the city had been treating its police officers and firefighters. “I care deeply about this city,” he said. “I want to see it go forward.”

The police contract dispute promises to play a role in this year’s elections. The Westbrook police union has been locked in a protracted contract dispute with the city. Several Westbrook police officers were in attendence at the caucus in support of Fahey, who was nominated by Westbrook Police Sgt. Mike Sanphy.

Unlike the Republican caucus being held across town that had no contested races, the Democratic caucus featured two. Besides the mayor’s race, three Democrats vied for the two at-large City Council spots on the ticket.


Alex Stone of Clifford Street, Ward 2 Planning Board Member Christopher Parr and Westbrook High School senior Michael Foley were all nominated for the two at-large seats. Stone was the leading vote getter with 92 votes, Foley won the second spot on the ticket with 86 votes and Parr received 75 votes.

Stone said if he were elected to the council, he would work to reduce taxes by cutting costs and taking a look at streamlining city operations to reduce expenses. Foley, currently a student representative to the School Committee, said he has been interested in politics all of his life and he believed he could bring a fresh perspective to the council.

“I feel the city needs a fresh, young voice,” he said. “I will not let anyone in the city of Westbrook down.”

The rest of the races at the caucus were uncontested. In Ward 1, Democrats nominated City Councilor Brendan Rielly to run for reelection. Ward 2 voters also voted for the incumbent City Councilor, nominating Drew Gattine. In Ward 5, incumbent Councilor Suzanne Joyce was also nominated to run again.

With current Ward 4 City Councilor Ann Peoples not running for reelection, the Democrats turned to Dorothy Aube of Brown Street to run against Republican candidate Darryl Wright for the seat.

In contrast to the other ward caucuses where the rooms were full, only eight people were in the room for the caucus for Ward 3, where there was an open spot on the ballot for both City Council and School Committee seats. Ward Chairman Mike Sanphy said no candidate came forward expressing interest in either seat from that ward.


Currently, the Ward 3 seat is held by Republican Ed Symbol, who joined the council this month to fill out the term of Gary Groves, who resigned to take the job as Westbrook athletic director. Symbol is running for the seat this fall.

In addition to the open spots for Ward 3 council and School Committee, the Democratic committee also did not nominate a candidate to run against incumbent City Clerk Barbara Hawkes.

The Democrats did fill the other two available slots on the School Committee ballot. Current School Committee Chairman Colleen Hilton was nominated to run for reelection to her at-large seat, and Ward 4 member Mary Hall was also nominated to run for reelection.

At its caucus Sunday night the Westbrook Democratic Committee nominated its slate of candidates for the November elections. Pictured, front row (from left) Drew Gattine, Ward 2 City Council; Dorothy Aube, Ward 4 City Council; Mary Hall, Ward 4 School Committee. Back row (from left) Alex Stone, City Council at-large; Suzanne Joyce, Ward 5 City Council, Jim Violette, mayor; Colleen Hilton, School Committee at-large; Michael Foley, City Council at-large; Brendan Rielly, Ward 1 City Council.