This is hard for me to do, but it needs to be said. Three weeks ago,

my son, Michael Churchill, was killed in a fatal car wreck during a chase by Westbrook police.

We want to say thank you to all of you. The outpouring of sympathy at our son’s wake and funeral was overwhelming, from family, friends, acquaintances, complete strangers, as well as from some students who were on that bus struck by my son. You were all there for Mikey as well as for us. Your support, kindness and love will stay in our hearts forever.

We also learned at that time the impact on society our son had, some bad (but he was still young, and I have realized you grow and learn with age) and some good. Teachers, counselors, the chaplain and many more told us what wonderful talents our son had. He was very artistic. He wrote, but he most loved to draw and paint. My son sold one of his paintings at an art auction, and the money went to a charity. The women who bought it gave it to us at Michael’s wake, along with a picture of Mike holding his work. So, we wanted to say thank you. You touched our hearts.

Thank you to all of Mike’s friends. You are all awesome. We have met most of you through the years and you’re all just typical

teenagers. You all have hearts of gold and a lot of potential.


You are good kids.

To that wonderful family in Gorham, I can’t even begin to say enough. Thank you for loving and giving my son a chance. Thank you for making him happy. He loved all of you.

To all on that bus that day, and all of your family members

who have gotten hold of us, thank you for your support and kind

words. Our hearts go out to all of you as well, because this is something, unfortunately, you will remember for the

rest of your life.


And to Robert Swan, the person who was in the car with my son, my heart goes out to you and your family. We are just so grateful

you have come out of this OK. You are a good kid. We prayed for you and we will continue to do so.

To all our family and friends, no words can be spoken to ever let you all know how much it meant to us that you were there and continue to be there.

God took my angel with him, my son. But each and every one of you are also our angels. You will forever be in our thoughts,

Ellen Churchill
