I believe in your paper dated Sept. 21 you stated no letters would be printed the last two weeks before election attacking any candidate. How come Mr. Garland’s letter was in there attacking Mayor Chuluda? Also, there was another letter sent in supporting Darryl Wright which never got printed?

Do we have different rules for different people or how does this system work?

Also, how long have we been registering high school people at the school? This is the first time I have heard of this. Maybe I missed something or is this something new?

I would like to see some answers in your paper so people will know how you decide what gets printed and what doesn’t.

Leona Glidden



Editor’s note: Glidden is correct. The letter she references should not have been published. Although the American Journal published a letter, by Leona Glidden, critical of Chuluda’s opponent, Jim Violette, several weeks earlier, the letter critical of Chuluda should not have run the week before the election, in adherence with the previously published policy.

A letter in support of Darryl Wright was ommitted accidentally. Although the American Journal endorsed Wright as a candidate and ran other letters supporting him, one was accidentally ommitted the week before the election.

We regret these errors and apologize to the affected candidates and letter writers.

The American Journal publishes some guidelines each election cycle. We generally try to strike a balance between being fair to all candidates and providing a platform for people to speak out. We try to discourage mudslinging but try to err on the side of allowing people to praise or criticize their elected officials as they are entitled to.