Caiazzo for council

Chris Caiazzo stands out as the best of many candidates on the Nov. 3 ballot for Town Council in Scarborough.

His tenure on the School Board shows his passion for service to the community, and the way he functioned as a leader and consensus builder during our hotly contested school budget referendum voting marathon is praiseworthy.

As finance committee chairman for the School Board, Chris pioneered some innovative ideas that should bear fruit in future town budget debates. He worked with council finance chairman Shawn Babine to form a joint budget committee that met frequently to sift through budget issues so that both the council and School Board gained a better understanding of budget details.

Caiazzo and Babine also worked together with Town Manager Tom Hall to host a public forum where town residents could ask questions about the budget. This forum was very well attended and while it may not have swayed some of the most vocal critics of the school budget, I believe most residents appreciated the fact-based approach to community involvement in the process.

I urge Scarborough voters to support the election of Chris Caiazzo to the Town Council.

Steve Hendrickson
