Logo contest ongoing

The Durham Board of Selectmen is holding a contest for a design to be used as a logo for the town. Entrants must be a resident of Durham and submit their designs to the town by Dec. 17. The new logo will be used on the town’s official letterhead, on the public access television channel and other appropriate uses.

While the design is open, some rules have been set. First, the new logo must be able to be used on small spaces like letterhead, as well as larger spaces, on building signs, for example. The design must incorporate the word “Durham” and the date of the town’s founding, 1789.

The design, which must be accompanied by a written description, must also relate to the town in some way, and any designs using historical imagery must briefly state the historical significance of the design.

Besides having their design incorporated as the town’s official logo, the winner will also receive a $100 U.S. Savings Bond. All entries must be submitted by Dec. 17 to: Durham Selectmen, 630 Hallowell Road, Durham, Maine 04222, attn: logo contest.

Nomination papers available


Nomination papers for the April 2013 ballot will be available on Thursday, Jan. 10, at the Town Clerk’s office during normal business hours.

Candidates will need to sign out the nomination papers from the Town Clerk. At least 25 signatures from registered voters of Durham but no more than 100 signatures will be needed. Nomination papers need to be back to the Town Clerk on or before Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 4:30 p.m., to have the name appear on the ballot for the April municipal election.

The open positions are: Two seats on the Board of Selectmen, each a three-year term; three positions on the Budget Committee, each a three-year term; and one position on the Regional School Unit 5 board of directors, also a three-year term.

For more information, call Town Clerk Shannon Plourde at 353-2561, ext. 11.

Christmas music ?in Durham

The Durham Congregational Church, 73 Royalsborough Road, is presenting a night of Christmas music featuring the Brunswick-Bath Nor’Easters Barbershop chorus on Friday, Dec. 14 at 7 p.m.


The evening will also feature the church choir and a carol sing-a-long, as well as seasonal readings and stories for children with refreshments to follow. Admission is by a free-will donation that will benefit the church’s general fund and its missions.

Giving Tree applications available

Applications to have children included on Durham’s Giving Tree are still available by calling 353-3000, ext. 124. The deadline for applications is Dec. 16. There is a suggested limit of $20-$25 per gift, and no children over 18 will be included on the tree unless they are still in high school.

For more information on the Giving Tree project, call 240-1637.

Upcoming meetings, office hours

The Durham Code Enforcement Officer will be available in the Durham Town Office on Wednesday, Dec. 12, from 5-7 p.m. The Durham Planning Board will hold a workshop meeting on Monday, Dec. 17 at 7 p.m. in the Durham Town Office. The next meeting of the Durham selectmen will be Tuesday, Dec. 18, at 7 p.m. in the Durham Town Office.


Parade, 5K ?volunteers sought

Planning for the 2013 Durham Memorial Day Parade and AMVETS 5K is now under way. The committee is looking for several volunteers. For more information, contact Joe Howe at 353-9110 or by email to joetia@hotmail.com.

Town seeking board members

The Durham planning and appeals boards are seeking new members to be appointed. There are also openings on the Scholarship and Eureka committees. If interested, stop by the Durham Town Office and fill out a committee application, or for more information, call 353-2561, ext. 10.

Local church services

The First Congregational Church of Durham has services at 10 a.m. every Sunday. The pastor is Michael Johnson.


Services for the Shiloh Church are every Sunday at 10 a.m. The pastor is Ron Parker

Services for Friends Meeting are every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. The pastor is Daphne Clement.

Community Center ?for rent

The Durham Eureka Community Center is available to rent for small groups of 50 or less. The building is great for showers, birthday gatherings and meetings. Contact Anita Sellars for more information at 353-6217. The Community Center Committee is seeking new members. For more information call Nancy Decker at 751-1323.

Durham online, on TV

John Ricker is the town’s public information technician, handling the website and cable television channel. To reach him to put your nonprofit information/event or meeting on the website or town channel, email durhampublicinfo@gmail.com, jricker@durhamtown.comcastbiz.net or call 751-0037.


Durham’s website is durhamme.com. You can view a calendar of events, meetings, announcements, ordinances and links to other sites such as the school and fire departments.

Lisbon Area Christian Outreach

The Lisbon Area Christian Outreach’s food pantry and clothing bank hours are: Wednesday: 6 p.m.-8 p.m., Thursday: 10 a.m. to noon and Saturday: 8 a.m.-10 a.m. LACO serves the communities of Bowdoin, Durham and Lisbon. The website is www.lacopantry.org.

The physical address for food and clothing is the Marion T. Morse Community Center, enter from the Berry Avenue side behind the Lisbon United Methodist Church. The clothing bank cannot accept furniture, appliances, etc., as they do not have the room to store them. For more, call Debbie at 240-1637.

Girl Scout Junior Troop 72 of Durham recently sang carols for the residents of Horizons Living and Rehab Center in Topsham. This is the fourth year the girls have sang for this group. The residents joined in the singing of many Christmas favorites.?  
Last week, the Durham Eureka Center held a Christmas tree sale fundraiser and the committee said it was a huge success. Pictured, from left, Durham Eureka Center Committee members Anita Sellars, Pearl Scribner and Nancy Decker.