Above, members of Cub Scout Pack 81 carried a large American flag in Westbrook’s Memorial Day parade Monday.

Below, local Girl Scouts wave flags in Westbrook’s parade Monday.

Gorham and Westbrook successfully held Memorial Day commemorations Monday.

In Gorham, wreaths were placed at the Eastern Cemetery on Main Street, the Hillside Cemetery on Huston Road and at the Veterans Memorial at Phinney Park in the village. A wreath was also tossed from the bridge in Little Falls into the Presumpscot. Volleys were fired at Eastern Cemetery and Hillside Cemetery.

In Westbrook, Memorial Day activities got underway on Sunday with a citywide memorial service at Trinity Lutheran Church on Main Street. On Monday, veterans from American Legion posts 62 and 197 held services and laid wreaths at Veterans Rest and the grave of Stephen W. Manchester in Woodlawn Cemetery. Manchester was the first soldier from Westbrook to lose his life in World War I.

The parade in Westbrook traveled along Main Street from the intersection of Longfellow Street and New Gorham Road to Riverbank Park.