In last week’s column, I offered suggestions for enjoying the ever-dwindling days of summer with a variety of outdoor activities. Truth be told, I was looking forward to enjoying some of them myself last weekend.

Then it rained. And rained. And rained some more.

We did manage to sneak in some blueberry picking during a brief break in the weather, but for the most part, our weekend was spent indoors. In between periods of back-to-school shopping, flicking in vain through the 400-plus channels of dreck on my satellite TV service (the subject of another past column) and shaking my fist at the cold-hearted harpy that goes by the name of Mother Nature, I took to the Internet to ease my boredom.

Should you find yourself in a similar predicament this weekend — and, judging by the weather forecast, it appears likely — here are some websites to help ease your pain.

How It Should Have Ended: Even the best movies have gaping plot holes. Find out how “The Lord of the Rings,” “Return of the Jedi,” “The Avengers” and other flicks would have ended if those holes were exploited. (

“The Star Wars That I Used to Know”: A parody of the inescapable Gotye song “Somebody That I Used to Know” pits Anakin Skywalker against George Lucas. (


This Is Why I’m Broke: You may not think you need a camera lens coffee mug or a magic wand TV remote, but just try to leave this site without buying something. Full of fairly useless but oh-so-cool items such as medieval hand blades ($29.95) and umbrellas with sword handles ($22) to a flying hovercraft ($190,000) and a 13-foot-tall, diesel-powered MechWarrior complete with a cockpit for humans ($1.35 million). (

BrainPOP: My 10-year-old daughter loves this site, which provides educational info on everything from science and math to history and the arts via easy-to-understand animated videos. Anyone who had to sit through a mind-numbing educational film in biology class will appreciate this. (

• Dear Blank — Please Blank: If you like, you’ll like this, a collection of messages sent to real people in the form of letters. (Remember those?) An example: “Dear Ex-Boyfriend: Changing your relationship status to ‘single’ on Facebook is not a good way to break up with someone. Sincerely, All you had to do was tell me.” (

• Attack of the Cute: Just to show that I’m not completely cynical and jaded, here’s a website full of cute animal photos submitted by users. All together now awwww. (

Deputy Managing Editor Rod Harmon may be contacted at 791-6450 or at:

Twitter: RHarmonPPH

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