Handicapped van Christmas concert goal

The Rev. Gordy Johnson of Portland Faith Center in Gorham hopes a free benefit Christmas concert would raise enough money to buy a van with a wheelchair lift for two Steep Falls brothers.

The concert, “Extreme Makeover Hope Edition,” will be 7-8 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at Hill Gym on the Gorham campus of the University of Southern Maine. It will benefit Cody, 13, and Elijah Bonderson, 8, who are the children of Mark and Wendy Bonderson.

Both boys have spina bifida, a spinal-cord birth defect, and they have endured more than 28 surgeries. Elijah has limited mobility, and his brother Cody is confined to a wheel chair.

Johnson said the van would cost $50,000. Buckets will be passed during the concert for donations. “The goal is for 2,000 people to attend the concert with each donating $10,” Johnson said.

The concert will feature the Bonny Eagle High School choir, Portland Faith Center Band and the “Extreme Choir,” consisting of community volunteer voices.


More voices are welcome, and those wishing to sing with the choir should plan to attend the final rehearsal on Sunday, Dec. 10, at 6 p.m., at the church on Elkins Road (off New Portland Road) . Johnson said the choir had 50 to 60 members at the rehearsal Dec. 3 and hopes more would join.

Johnson said the concert represents a grassroots effort. In addition to the choir members, Johnson said, about 60 people have volunteered to produce the concert. “A lot of good help,” Johnson said.

No snow for Cal

Calvin Hamblen, a former longtime Gorham town councilor, is spending the winter in Pompano Beach, Fla.

Hamblen will be there until April. “Enjoy the cold and snow,” he said before trekking south.

VFW to meet


Gorham Memorial Post 10879 of the VFW will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 11, at the West Gorham Fire Station.

Baxter open house reminder

The Baxter Memorial Library, 71 South St., will host its annual holiday open house 10 a.m.-noon on Saturday.

The public is also invited to tour the Baxter Museum next door to the library. For more information, call the library at 839-5031.

U.S. taxpayer debt

The Bureau of Public Debt reported on Nov. 30 that the U.S. public debt was $8,633,245,608,345.17.