Hunter Road in Freeport is closed to traffic this afternoon until water levels on the road surface subside, said Earl Gibson, superintendent of Freeport Public Works.

Gibson said at 2:45 p.m. that he is keeping extra workers on hand to monitor the situation. Gibson said the town had been pounded by more than 5 inches of rain during a three-hour period. It stopped raining at around 12:30, he said.

“There’s 4 inches of rain running down Hunter Road,” Gibson said. “We don’t feel safe leaving it open.”

Gibson said he knew of no other trouble spots in town.

Earlier in the day, the public works crew had put cones up to notify motorists to take caution at the busy intersection of Mallett Drive and Main Street, where water had backed up. Gibson said that the water level had receded there.

“Mallett Drive is clear,” he said.