The number of deer tagged at Sawyer’s Store in Little Falls was down 15.3 percent this year from 2004, reflecting a drop statewide.

Craig Sawyer said on Friday that the station at Sawyer’s tagged 360 deer, which was 65 less than the 425 tagged there last year. Sawyer said that 2004 was a record year for the most deer ever tagged there.

Sawyer said there was a tie for the biggest deer tagged at Sawyer’s Store this year. He said Eric Anderson of Westbrook and Keith McAvow of Windham each shot a 220-pound buck in Windham. Two deer killed in Gorham each weighed 215 pounds, Sawyer said.

Mark Latti, a spokesman for the Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Department, said preliminary figures indicate that the deer harvest statewide was down 14 percent from predictions. Latti said the estimated deer kill would be over 28,000, but down from a pre-season estimate of 32,400.

Latti said weather conditions combined with fewer hours in the woods by hunters were two of the factors that contributed to the reduction in the kill this year.

The deer-hunting season ended on Dec. 10.