To debate effectively, it behooves oneself to focus on the underlying premise of the opposing argument. Thus being said, I take issue with your recent reporting (Group explores impact of rising sea levels, The Current, Feb. 7) because there is insufficient compelling scientific basis for asserting the “inevitability” of ocean levels rising, or changing at all, in either scope of geological process or human experience. Therefore, the necessity of a municipality imposing impractical zoning and building requirements to land in proximity to Scarborough marsh, should be called into question by someone. So far, only self-serving liberal leaning entities, (Saco Bay Sea Level Adaptation Working Group) grant-guzzling quasi-governmental acronymed global warming enablers, (NOAA, DOA) have access to the discussion, the goal of which seems to be to convince marsh abutters to donate their land to conservation zealots by convincing them their land will soon be undevelopable or even under water. Obviously, this false scenario plays well into the hands of NIMBYists eager for ways to curtail future development near their waterfront kingdoms. Too often a “Maine conservationist” is also a developer who already got their place built.
The earth’s geological processes occur over eons of tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of years, not a few human life spans. Anthropomorphization of the weather has historically, since weather began to be recorded, spawned frequent and often simultaneous predictions of both global warming and a coming ice age. These predictions can always be shown to have genesis in the winds of political change, not weather. Sadly, we are now in a period where global warming alarmists, or rather now climate change alarmists, are through with pointless scientific debate over their imagined certainties. So they merely repeat falsities until they no longer attract opposition, the lack of which then implies general public acceptance, especially by “low information voters.” To many, this is merely a reflection of what’s been going on nationally in recent years, to the point where the people’s freedoms are being eroded. There’s not room for that discussion here, so I will conclude by saying “There is no such thing as Global Warming!” While I still can. Does anyone else dare to?
Greg Jordan
Cape Elizabeth
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