I am supporting Jim Violette for mayor. Very simply, as a taxpayer of Westbrook, I want politicians that are responsive to my requests. We expect our representatives to be responsive to situations that adversely impact us. I recently had an issue with Planet Re-Cycling on Route 25 located on the Gorham/Westbrook line. I am sure many of you have seen this dump site when traveling from Gorham to Westbrook. Without getting into the specifics, this Gorham commercial development has had a negative impact on my property values in Westbrook as well as the American Legion located on Conant Street. I brought this to the attention of the current administration and very little was done to help resolve the situation. When I communicated this situation to Jim Violette, immediately he brought the issue to the Committee of the Whole requiring some kind of action. This is the type of response every taxpayer should expect. It is wonderful to be available on Saturday morning at City Hall to hear resident concerns. Hearing concerns with no resulting action is not what I expect. Jim Violette heard my concern, acted and showed his concern. Keep in mind, this could happen to you. Do you want someone that listens and does not act or someone that listens and acts? His action has earned my vote.

Robert Morrill
