I am writing to publicly thank the members of the Westbrook Police

Department who responded to complaints by a few school officials about the flyers that were distributed at Westbrook High School last

Wednesday. Officers Twombley and Violette were very professional and fair. They listened to both sides, and made a proper decision to

protect the free speech rights of the Westbrook Parents Group.

By their professional response and knowledge of the law that these two officers protected civil rights and exhibited the finest traits of

American law enforcement. The flyers were distributed and all


Westbrook parents were able to read for themselves about the recent unfortunate actions of the Westbrook School Committee.

It is not everyday that an ordinary citizen gets to witness our

constitutional system of government at work. We should be glad to

live in a place where freedoms can be exercised without persecution, and we should thank the Westbrook Police for protecting our safety and our liberty.

George Rodrigues
