
The Pinea Rebekah Lodge #71 will meet September 21 at the Odd Fellows Hall. The program will consist of beano and a swap party. There will be light refreshments with everyone bringing something.


Cora and Phil Moody have returned home after spending the summer at their Island Home (the name of their cottage on Long Island). They did some painting and roofing getting ready to close up for the winter. They traveled back and forth all summer, as usual, so they could attend meetings. It was a great summer for them, especially weather-wise.


Norman and Rhonda Forbes celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary September 11. They attended a huge barbecue with friends.



The Hiawatha Council met yesterday, September 15, in East Sebago. Shirley Donovan and Donna Remillard were in charge of refreshments.

Windsor Fair

Once again Alan O’Brien did very well showing his cattle. At Windsor Fair he took; second in showmanship with 4-H, first with his spring calf, second with his intermediate yearling, third with his summer yearling, third wih his two year old milking cow and fifth with his fall heifer calf.


The Rebekahs will hold their Christmas Fair October 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall. The public can rent tables for $10 each. There will also be a small Chinese auction, and Marge Hansen will have homemade quilts for sale.



Bill and Sue Hager have returned home after camping for two weeks at Molasses Pond. While there, they attended the lobster festival at Winter Harbor. Their daughter, Julie, and her husband, Stephen Morse visited for a few days with their daughters, Acadia and Amelia. Some friends also visited them for a few days.

Marriage Intentions

Marriage intentions on file in the Town Clerks Office:

Justin O. Sparks and Linda L. Russo, Varney Mill Road, Windham.

Adam J. Swanson and Jaqui L. Doyle, Haven Road, Windham.

Thought of the week:

Be good to yourself. You need kindness just like everyone else.