In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, firearms were confiscated from the law-abiding citizens of New Orleans. These people had committed no crimes, and were the only line of defense from the looters and thugs that roamed New Orleans for days until law and order was re-established. Once the rule of law returned, the mayor and the police chief decided to disarm the law abiding citizens, not the criminals. They are responsible for violating the civil liberties of many of their citizens.

If the issue had been anything but guns, the mainstream media would have been all over it. Instead it was covered up.

P. Edwin Compass, the police chief of New Orleans is on record as saying that the police will be the only ones allowed to have weapons, in direct violation of the laws of Louisiana, and the United States Constitution.

The NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation got an injunction from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of

Louisiana to stop the seizures, and return the property that was confiscated, yet we heard nothing from the media. The mayor, Ray Nagin and the police chief have even denied that any seizures have taken place, an outright lie, because there is video evidence of people handcuffed, disarmed, and then left defenseless.

If this was a 1st Amendment issue, it would have been the top story on every channel and in every paper for days until it was stopped, but since the liberals in the media and the government want subjects instead of citizens, it gets whitewashed.

Rob Austin

Sebago Lake