Children’s book author and Buxton resident, Toni Buzzeo, visited George E. Jack Elementary School in Standish to meet with the 4th grade students last week. Buzzeo talked about the process of writing a children’s book and how she must research her ideas before writing her story. She showed the students a filmstrip about Hendricks Head Light House which is the setting for her first book, “The Sea Chest.” She described the difficulties of writing a book and how much rewriting is involved before a book can be published. The author passed her manuscripts around so that the students could see how the publishing company edits her story before they agree to publish it into a book. Buzzeo read her latest book “Our Librarian Won”t Tell Us Anything.” Everyone loved the story and really enjoyed Toni’s enthusiasm as she read her book. The students and staff were able to purchase Toni’s books which she autographed. The Standish Parent-Teacher Organization sponsored the visit. Courtesy photo by Kathy Campbell