I believe that Karen Klatt, the current District 4 Brunswick Town Councilor, is the right choice for the at-large seat currently held by Councilor Joanne King.

Klatt has brought issues to the forefront, including the creation of a Finance Committee, and asks the tough questions about the town’s lack of fiscal responsibility. She is a voice of reason and is often the only counselor who votes for our best interests instead of special interests. She has ensured that the agenda items and other information is now available on the town’s Web site and encourages a free and open dialog with citizens. She makes herself available at local businesses and is responsive to her constituents by answering phone calls and e-mails, setting up neighborhood meetings, and engaging folks in order to hear what they have to say.

Klatt was the only councilor who objected to the manner in which executive sessions are conducted. She believes that important decisions, like the hiring of the town manager, should not be carried out behind closed doors or over the phone.

Klatt believes she and her fellow councilors are servants of the people and not lords over them. She is not afraid to speak the truth even when it is politically unpopular. She has no hidden agendas. She is simply a resident and a working mother who believes in the oath she took and will work hard to improve the town government. She understands that she works for us and that makes her my choice for councilor at-large.

Thomas L. Fusco