Creation of a climate council is a great start to direct Maine down the path to a cleaner energy future. This group needs to be very well informed regarding climate change issues.

One information source at their immediate disposal is L.D. 640, sponsored by Sen. Brownie Carson, D-Brunswick. This would evaluate the greenhouse-gas emission impact of projects like Central Maine Power’s New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line through western Maine. Such a study would provide objective discussion and findings that would either prove that the greenhouse-gas emission relief advertised by CMP is real, or indicate that Hydro Quebec is planning to replace hydropower purchased by  Massachusetts with fossil fuel generation to be consumed in other markets.

Either finding would look great for the Mills administration. If reduction can be shown, then her administration has a wonderful opportunity to show the opposition they were wrong. If the reductions cannot be verified, her office could backtrack a bit, citing premature support, In the process, she would win back thousands of voters who were offended to the core with the administration’s support of NECEC.

Mills should take advantage of the opportunity L.D. 640 offers for the good of Maine and the global environment. Objective findings lead to the best decisions, so Mills should give the bill her support!

Bob Haynes


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