It is difficult to understand this new Alabama anti-abortion law as anything other than a law against the integrity of women, as opposed to being “pro-life.” This law would make performing an abortion a Class A felony in Alabama, with a minimum of 10 years in prison and no exceptions for rape or incest. It would be equivalent to first-degree rape and sexual torture.

However, it is men who make women pregnant, and there are minimal consequences for most of their actions. Incest and sexual abuse are Class C felonies in Alabama with a maximum sentence of 10 years. Statutory rape (victims under 16 or otherwise incapable of giving legal consent) is a Class B felony under Alabama law, with a maximum of 20 years. Only a tiny fraction of those accused of rape are ever jailed at all.

So, in Alabama the woman is punished for being raped by having to take care of the child who is the product of incest or rape and a constant reminder of that trauma. Imagine being raped by your father and having to care for this child!

These laws are not anti-abortion. They are anti-woman and pro-man. Let the men do what they will and the women will take care of the consequences. This is wrong.

Sallie Smith
