Music and Nightlife: Shawn Mullins show at One Longfellow

SHAWN MULLINS’ baritone can be heard on the hits “Lullaby” and “Beautiful Wreck.” The singer-songwriter has proved durable, getting his first national exposure in the 1990s and still going strong in 2013. He will play an intimate show at One Longfellow Square on Tuesday.

WHEN: 8 p.m. Tuesday

WHERE: One Longfellow Square, 181 State St. Portland

HOW MUCH: $25 in advance; $30 at door


INFO: 761-1757; onelongfellowsquare.com

Art and Theater: Symphony Pops! goes to the movies

GUEST CONDUCTOR and clarinetist Carl Topilow leads the Portland Symphony Orchestra through a Pops! program that includes music from the most popular movies in America, including “E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial” and “The Wizard of Oz.”

WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Saturday; 2:30 p.m. Sunday

WHERE: Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St., Portland

HOW MUCH: $20 to $65


INFO: 842-0800; porttix.com; portlandsymphony.org

Dining and Drink: Something grape from Argentina

TOUR ARGENTINA by sampling 13 of the country’s wines during a seminar with Pablo Piccolo from Bodega Catena Zapata.

WHEN: 4 p.m. Thursday

WHERE: Inn by the Sea, 40 Bowery Beach Road, Cape Elizabeth

: $20 at the door. Proceeds will go to Maine Audubon.

INFO: Contact Carrie Dyer at cdyer@innbythesea.com or 799-3134


Et Cetera: Strand screens encore of Verdi’s ‘Rigoletto’

MIDWINTER BLUES got you down? How about a little mid-week, early-afternoon Verdi? In HD? The Strand Theatre in Rockland continues its series of HD broadcasts of Metropolitan Opera performances with an encore of “Rigoletto.” Check the Strand website for other operas coming up.

WHEN: 1 p.m. Tuesday

WHERE: Strand Theatre, 345 Main St., Rockland

HOW MUCH: $23; $15 for students.

INFO: 594-0070; rocklandstrand.com



Music and Nightlife: Bluegrass + rap = 1 really cool sound

GANGSTA GRASS mixes bluegrass and rap. The Brooklyn, N.Y., band may have hit on the hippest combination since somebody got their peanut butter on somebody else’s chocolate.

WHEN: 9:30 p.m. Wednesday

WHERE: The Big Easy, 55 Market Street, Portland



INFO: bigeasyportland.com

Art and Theater: Library print show winds down

THESE ARE the final days of the exceptional “Prints: Breaking Boundaries” exhibition at the Portland Public Library. The show features a variety of prints from across Maine that demonstrate new and unique techniques in the ancient art form of printmaking.

WHEN: Through Saturday

WHERE: Lewis Gallery, Portland Public Library, 5 Monument Square



INFO: cmcanow.org; portlandlibrary.com/programs/LewisGallery.htm

Dining and Drink: It’s one a-peeling contest

CELEBRATE National Banana Bread Day by sampling banana bread-related goodies in every department. A panel of judges will pick a winner in a banana bread recipe contest.

WHEN: Noon to 2 p.m. Saturday

WHERE: Whole Foods Market, 2 Somerset, Portland



INFO: 774-7711

Et Cetera: See ‘TV Show’ for what it is at Space

IT’S A TV SHOW. No, it’s a variety show. No, it’s a series of movies. Well, it’s all of those things in one. It’s “TV Show: Episode 5,” a multi-media variety show that includes a collection of short movies, interviews, music videos and animation.

WHEN: 1 and 7:30  p.m. Tuesday

WHERE: Space Gallery, 538 Congress St., Portland.

HOW MUCH: $5; all ages

INFO: 828-5600; space538.org

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