If, like me, you are feeling that your efforts to “reduce, reuse, recycle” are insufficient to restore the planet to health for your children and grandchildren, there is reason to hope.

I was telling a friend of my feeling of powerlessness in the face of increasing climate disasters – floods, hurricanes and health affected by air quality, etc. “Thoughts and prayers” for the victims seemed like an ineffective way to make myself feel better, and wondered what my little effort does to help.

She invited me to look up the CitizensClimateLobby.org. She has been working with the local chapter for some time and found it encouraging.

Inspired by what I read at that site, especially the list of values, which align with my faith, I attended a local meeting this week. I came away enthusiastic and uplifted. The accomplishments listed so far, and actions planned, renewed my hope that working together in a small “d” democratic, nonpartisan way, we all can influence the policymakers to take actions that will create a healthier world.

If you are looking for hope, even joy, check it out yourself.

Valerie Blais
