The Central Maine Power corridor project is ill-advised for numerous reasons. In addition to causing the destruction of vast wilderness areas and watersheds, the project will not achieve the purported purpose of net carbon dioxide reduction. Additionally, none of the transmitted power benefits Maine citizens. This project was soundly defeated in New Hampshire.

So, I was puzzled when Gov. Mills decided to support this travesty. Then I learned that a memorandum of understanding was drafted between CMP and the so-called “nonprofit” organization Western Mountains & Rivers Corp., dated May 30, 2018.

According to this memorandum: “Within ten (10) days following the execution of this MOU, CMP will donate the amount of $250,000 to WM&RC to support its charitable mission, including funding WM&RC’s initial startup expenses such as legal, accounting, consulting, staffing, travel and planning expenses.”

The memorandum goes on to state: “Commencing on the first anniversary of the execution of this MOU by both parties, (CMP agrees to) provide to WM&RC annual grants for five years in the amount of $50,000 each year to support WM&RC’s charitable mission.”

Exhibit C of this memorandum lists members of the board of directors of the Western Mountains & Rivers Corp. Included on this list is Peter Mills, brother of Janet Mills, now the governor of Maine. This raises serious questions and concerns about conflicts of interest inherent in a board member being the brother of Maine’s governor as it relates to her shift in support of this misguided project.

CMP has pledged $500,000 to this organization. Hmmm. Sadly, money talks. CMP is literally buying support with promises of cash to organizations and towns along the proposed route. No amount of money is worth permanent destruction of wilderness, watersheds and many western Maine citizens’ livelihoods and way of life.

Michael Sivulich

New Gloucester