I was very taken with a story you recently published, “Skier gets answers about her rescuers in decades-old incident at Sunday River” (March 14), because I, too, was affected by an accident at Sunday River, but with a much different result.

On Feb. 19, 2004, my aunt Jane Marie McCormack was killed on the Sunday River trail Tempest by a young man who was skiing recklessly and slammed into her, throwing her down the mountain head first. She was also airlifted to Central Maine Medical Center, but was later declared beyond saving.

I am ashamed to admit I haven’t thought much about the people who helped her that day on the mountain. Knowing my aunt’s injuries, what those people witnessed must have had a deep effect on them. Although there was nothing they could do, they did what they were trained to do and I’m sure they did it to the best of their ability.

It’s 15 years later, my fog of grief is clearing and I’m able to think about the people who were there for her when she needed them the most.

I would also like to thank those people, wherever they are, and recognize how difficult that day had to have been for them, too.

Thank you again for publishing the article by Samuel Wheeler of The Bethel Citizen; I considered it a sign of some sort for me to expand my thinking and share gratitude with people who don’t even know they matter to me.

Kelly McCormack

South Portland