THE PRESS HERALD TOY FUND in the Spirit of Bruce Roberts uses donations from readers to provide toys to thousands of Maine children who might otherwise not receive holiday gifts because of hardships faced by their parents. Founded in 1949, the fund is accepting applications for toys from needy families in York, Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Androscoggin, Lincoln and Knox counties.

DONATIONS to help buy the toys can be made at or by writing checks to the Portland Press Herald Toy Fund and mailing them to the fund at P.O. Box 7310, Portland, ME 04112.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, call 791-6672 or go to:

SEE MORE STORIES about the fund at


Brush Strokes with Impact Paint-A-Thon, Maria Castellano-Usery $120


Rod MacInnes $20

Colville family $100

Anonymous $100

Jeannine Forget and David O’Connor $100

Michael and Nancy Miller $100

Total year to date …………………$103,385.40