They won’t give Maine’s next congressman the keys to his office until Wednesday, but his new digs in the Longworth House Office Building on Capitol Hill are ready.

They’re a little sparse, though.

Pictures of the still-vacant office taken this week show only empty shelves, gleaming desktops and computers showing only screensavers.

The plaque hanging on a corridor wall outside the Capitol Hill office that Democrat Jared Golden of Lewiston will occupy beginning next week in Washington.

One stands out for fans of the 36-year-old U.S. Marines veteran from Lewiston: the metallic plaque hanging outside the office door that reads “Representative Jared Golden — Maine.”

Aisha Woodward, chief of staff for incoming Democrat Jared Golden of Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, said Friday she’s scrambling to put as many pieces together as possible before Thursday’s swearing-in of the newly elected members of the U.S. House.

Woodward she’s trying to hire staff, set up the office wireless system, get new personnel onto the government payroll and a host of other logistical necessities.


Golden said he’s flying Wednesday to Washington, where he’ll get his first look at his new office, which has a view of the Spirit of Justice Park that sits atop a huge underground parking facility next door to a Metro stop.

The member’s office for U.S. Rep. Jared Golden of Maine after he takes office next week in Washington.

Woodward said plans for the first day of the session Thursday are up in the air, but will likely include “an open house in our very bare bones office” in the afternoon after the formal oath is taken by Golden and other House members in the ornate chambers were the legislative body does its business.

She said Golden plans to have ceremonial swearing-in later in the month in Lewiston so that friends, family and constituents can see.

Golden said he’s eager to get to work after a long campaign that didn’t end until the Christmas Eve decision by two-term U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin to drop a federal lawsuit challenging the ranked-choice voting system that led to Golden’s win.

Poliquin, a Republican, remains the district’s congressman until the new session of the House begins Thursday. He has not responded to requests for comment.