The Boston Globe chose Aug. 16 as the day for newspapers to publish a slew of coordinated editorials proclaiming “Honest, we are honest!” to a skeptical public. Of course, the Portland Press Herald Editorial Board was happy to join the lemming-like parade.

Readers were asked to disbelieve their lying eyes and swallow the tale that the media are just doing their job. They have to hold the president accountable.

Accountability was sorely lacking when it came to coverage of President Obama on Operation Fast and Furious, the Internal Revenue Service scandal, Benghazi, “leading from behind,” the Iran deal, etc. If the various editorials’ authors could point to examples of their holding Obama’s feet to the fire, their apologia just might have a chance of being believable.

When 80 percent to 90 percent of the coverage of President Trump is negative (according to Harvard and Media Research Center studies), it’s hard to believe the coordinated line that the media are just being objective. Google “positive reporting on President Trump” and see for yourself.

Yes, President Trump has a thin skin, is egotistical and bombastic, and says some things that would better be left unsaid. But he has also brought about some positive changes. Unemployment is down to unheard-of levels, consumer confidence is up, and the GDP is higher than at any time during the eight years of Obama. Taxes have been cut and regulations have been culled. All of these actions combine for the greatest expansion of industry in years. The economy is in great shape. Has the press covered any of these facts in any depth? No, they’re too busy being objective.

Just as one has to earn respect, the press has to earn its claim to objectivity. Actions speak louder than words. When the press starts reporting objectively, people will believe them, and editorials proclaiming their honesty and fair-mindedness will be unnecessary.

Gerald Caruso
