Following the announcement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, President Trump made his second extremely qualified nomination for the bench: Judge Brett Kavanaugh. As the Senate prepares for a confirmation vote, the American people are counting on their lawmakers to move quickly to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.

President Trump promised Americans that his Supreme Court nominee would honor the Constitution and respect the rule of law. Judge Ka- vanaugh is the right person for that job. He graduated from Yale with two degrees, served in the George W. Bush White House and has written over 300 opinions during his tenure on the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. He is known as a mainstream judge, committed to serving the American people and upholding the letter of the law.

Republicans gave their strong support to President Trump’s first nominee, Justice Neil Gorsuch, and the American people, including the people of Maine, are confident they will do so again for Judge Kavanaugh.

Senate Democrats are intent on obstructing the confirmation process of Judge Kavanaugh for no real reason. In addition to their misguided attempts to smear his name and make unnecessary document demands, Democrats are trying to convince Americans that any nominee of President Trump’s would pose a risk to our country. Their shameless approach puts partisan games above the interests of the American people, who will make their voices heard when they head to the polls this November.

The majority of Americans want to expedite voting on Judge Ka- vanaugh’s confirmation. They recognize the hypocrisy of Senate Democrats, who once called delaying a confirmation vote “irresponsible.”

With his vast legal experience and impeccable, mainstream credentials, Judge Kavanaugh is the best choice for the Supreme Court. The American people are watching to see him confirmed, and they will hold their elected officials accountable during the upcoming midterm elections.

Demi Kouzounas

chair, Maine Republican Party
