With more and more money being raised for Portland City Council races each year, we need to know where this money is coming from, so we can see how it influences the votes of our councilors.

An open window into the campaign financing of our candidates is essential to creating a government that serves the interest of its citizens. At City Hall on Monday, the City Council will vote on a measure to add the requirement for City Council candidates to submit a campaign finance report 42 days in advance of the November election. Currently, City Council candidates need to submit a campaign finance report in July and one in October, only days before the election.

The 42-day campaign pre-election report would occur in the middle of the campaign when a significant portion of campaign money has been donated, giving people adequate time before the election to review the sources and amounts of donations. The current requirement of only two campaign finance reports provides this information either too early or too late in the election cycle to be of use in monitoring donations to a candidate.

I urge those who want transparency in how money is raised in our City Council races to come to the council chambers at 6 p.m. to speak in support of this 42-day campaign finance report.

If passed, this measure will be included on the fall ballot as an amendment to the City Charter, creating the opportunity for a new window into the financing of our councilors’ campaigns.

Scott Vonnegut
