Terrence Sawtelle of Dexter pleaded guilty Thursday to conspiring to manufacture, distribute and possess with the intent to distribute marijuana.

As a result, the 49-year-old is now facing up to 20 years in prison, between three years and life of supervised release, and a $1 million fine.

U.S. Attorney Halsey B. Frank in a release said Sawtelle will be sentenced after the U.S. Probation Office completes a presentence investigation.

Court records show that between October 2010 and August 2016, Sawtelle conspired with others to illegally manufacture and distribute marijuana at a facility in Frankfort, Maine. He distributed the product to the Owl’s Club in Bangor in violation of federal law and Maine’s Medical Marijuana program, according to Frank.

The location of the Frankfort grow facility was not reported to the Department of Health and Human Services as is required by state law.

Sawtelle entered his plead in U.S. District Court in Bangor.

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