Re: “Allies vow to salvage nuclear deal without U.S.,” by James McAuley of The Washington Post (May 9):

As returned Peace Corps volunteers who served in Iran from 1967 to 1969, we view President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement as a grave tragedy.

Mr. Trump has recklessly rejected the appeals of our European allies; leaders of the military and intelligence services of the United States, Europe and Israel; and four former presidents.

This landmark agreement prevented Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Iran has adhered to the agreement; the United States no longer does. This simple “fact” will only play into the hands of ultra-conservative forces in Iran and weaken that of moderate President Hassan Rouhani, who has demonstrated good faith in negotiating with our government.

Mr. Trump has demonstrated reckless disdain for diplomacy. How can we expect the North Koreans or any other country to collaborate with us if we do not keep our word?

There is enormous danger that this decision will lead to military action and a nuclear arms race in the Middle East involving Saudi Arabia and Iran – and Israel, which has both a substantial ballistic missile capacity and a major nuclear stockpile. We ask Congress to act immediately to reduce the dangers of yet another endless war in the Middle East, and we urge our allies to do all they can to salvage this vital international accord despite the actions of this president.

Steven and Marjorie Moore
