This letter is in response to Bill Harwood’s April 14 letter to the editor, which was critical of Attorney General Janet Mills’ actions as a member of the Legislature.

I served eight years in the Maine House of Representatives and one term in the state Senate. I received a National Rifle Association endorsement in one of my terms. I also helped the anti-gun lobby present its case for stricter gun laws. At the time, I felt that we should listen to all views. The truth is that some gun bills deserved to be voted down because they made no sense.

Janet Mills has courageously stood her ground on many issues and would, in my opinion, make a good governor.

I would advise Mr. Harwood to pay more attention to David Trahan’s Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine. They at least manifest some interest and empathy for both sides, who are dealing with difficult problems.

A vote for Janet Mills will be a vote for reasoned dialogue.

Jerry Davis

former state legislator
